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    Created: July 28, 2022
    Updated about July 28, 2022
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7 Places to Use ADB Commands Other Than
Updated about July 28, 2022
Taken at sydeny
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a powerful command line tool that lets you interact with an Android device. You can use ADB to access your device from your computer for testing and debugging purposes. In this blog post, we’ll cover 10 places where the ADB commands come in handy outside of an Android device. You can use these ADB commands to debug apps on your computer instead of directly accessing them on your phone. For example, you might want to test an app without having to run it on a real device every time you make a change. Instead, you could connect the app directly to your computer and debug it there instead of keeping it on your phone all the time and connecting it back whenever you need to test or debug something. Let’s take a look at 10 useful places where using ADB is helpful and how you can integrate them into your development workflow. more om-
Category: Technology


7 Places to Use ADB Commands Other Than an Android Device
7 Places to Use ADB Commands Other Than an Android Device 0 0