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A Tribute To Marcus Garvey

The struggles of the early time were characterized by courage, bravery, and even heroism and today many of us regret that so many of those rugged traits of the early leaders have been lost for a little while, but waiting to emerged again. While we appreciate many of the refinements of advancement, we miss the magnificent persistency and superb devotion of our early days.

At the same time we now knew that man progress are base on experience philosophy and the progression of one generation are not the progress of the other; each generation has progress for itself. Therefore A stage were set and many went in adventure searching for the path to the new advent just to be confused God with religion, and university degrees with progress. Resulting in a religion of God without the conceptional reality of God; and high education without moral duty and character power, while our children are at the mercy of the merciless.


When the wise man sees the surgeons knife,
he rejoice;
For its burn is the capital of health regained.
But the foolish cries out “pain!
it brings forth pain”.
So the surgeon tends to the wise man, and the foolish is
left with his inflected diseases.

When there is no wise man;
what is there but half of a man.
The man without arms and legs is a part of a man.
The man who credits not the surgeon and his knife
is a deformed man;
he deformed not only in body, but also in mind,
he is according to his deformity.
And when he build, he build according to his deformity.

So he build, and the storm came and blew away
all that he has built; for
deformed men cannot build
foundation to withstand storm

I have not yet traveled
the world,
but I have seen most of the people of the earth,
and I have not yet seen a backward people.

A tribute to Marcus Garvey;
“A victorious man is always victorious”


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 View since May 31 2022

written by J Cole